Get sick soon
Back home. Getting on my feet, one by one and it feels good. But the time-differense... Pain in the butt.
My secret ingredient
If you wanna help me cure my hangover, just give me black coffee and this song. Then I'm happy.
So it has been about Bruce lately. I'm sorry, I just can't help it. I love him. I am freakin' in love with this man. He is the only 63 year old man who can break my heart and I'm okay with that, because he's the Boss. Simple as that. But I just wanna apologize to all the people who have to stand me when I'm in this phase, because I know I'm annoying. If you're not a fan of Springsteen I know I can be a pain in the butt.
But I guess that's your loss. You guys are missing out on great music. JFYI
Springsteen & I
I don't think this is an active blog anymore. But I will write when I can and want to, and we will see how it goes.
This video is a trailer for the documentary of Bruce Springsteen, which I attended to this last monday. I went by myself, because the people I got around me here isn't crazy enough. There is nothing wrong/crazy with Bruce, I'm just saying I'm a crazy and devoded fan. Though, a lot of the Bruce-fans out there are "worse" (better?) than me.
Anyway, this movie manage to make me laugh and cry or just smile through the whole thing. That is power. People, all around the world, have their own story about their love to Bruce. The people in this movie is just so adorable and I could relate to all the things that were said. The stories was mostly from people who have actually met Bruce. I have not. I have not stand in the front of the stage or brought a sighn with me every time. I'm one of those who stand in the back, having a beer or some other kind of drink, singing along with his music, connect with other fans like me -strangers. So yeah, there is crazier fans than me, I can admit that.
But watching this movie made me think of my true moment with Bruce. It's close to a year ago that I saw Bruce live, last time. My parents have brought me to several conserts, but his music didn't just came to me. His music grew on me and today I'm greatful for all my parents have giving me. All the playing of grammophone records, in the car or the conserts of course. I have adored Springsteen for a really long time, but this consert a year ago was special to me.
I had brought my best friend, Julia, who weren't a big fan of Bruce. But hey, going to a consert was never bad, right? I remembered we took the train and once we got to Gothenburg it was pouring outside. It wasn't just raining, it was a freaking storm. All the buses and trians were cancelled and we had to walk to the constert, wich was twenty minutes away. Once we got there we were soaked, I remembered being soaked to my skin. We waited for Bruce on three hours, just standing outside in rain, though the storm had calmed down. I changed looks with Julia and I could see on her that she thought "this isn't worth it".
But then Bruce entered the stage. The sun was once again showing on the sky, the crowed was sheering and all the waiting was forgotten. Bruce was there and everything was okay.
That consert was the best four (five?) hours of my life. So thank you, Bruce. Thank you for the music.
Stockholm Skyline
Kind of makes me homesick, even though I've never lived in Stockholm. But I believe that's something I will do soon in my life.
Night at the stairways to a restaurant
just when spring turned warm so you can
go without a jacket, without getting cold
My company left, I stood alone
With Stockholm Skyline infront of my feet
an other one of all the other nights
Stockholm's night is soaked with light
Only thing I miss now is you
In the dulcet flourishing wlethy dress
at the terrace in height of Katarinahissen
The nightbus is struggling up toward the hill
Are you alseep like the rest of Slussen?
The linen-jacket is pretty but cold
Cuddling up together in my own arms
Suddenly it's 10 years ago
since I arrived at Central-Station
Stockholm Skyline infront of my feet
an other one of all the other nights
Stockholm's night is soaked with light
Only thing I miss now is you
I gave you all my years
You got all from 20 to 32
Red lights turn loose on the edge
disapears completly at Skeppsbrokajen
The night has turned to it's worst point
I sense a dawn over Gröna Lund
Through better and worst, mania and depression
see the first sun from Skanstullsbron
On the way home, Kolerakyrkogården
Same light like the first time
Seasons are changing and I with them
Lately I've been broken through every sleep
Now I'm complete, as far as I know
That's how it goes and it's called life.
Stockholm Skyline infront of my feet
an other one of all the other nights
Stockholm's night is soaked with light
Only thing I miss now is you
We visited Florida this last couple of days and just wanted to let all of you know that it's a warm state. Hot with hurricanes and gators. I had a real blast down there and wanted to show you some pictures. Becuase I am actually getting better with using my camera!

Hanging out on the beach. Awesome

Visited the waterpark "Wet n' Wild". Had an amazing time!

At Seaworld I "learned" to get over my silly fears.

Seacows are really big

You know a parrot is Spanish if you stand a couple of inches from it and it suddenly goes "Hola!"

Met and ate alligator (neither one of these). Heard something about carma... Should I worry?

But after making a new friend I relized gators are kind of cute. (Not a great picture, but still...)
In love with New York City
Hey you guys! I'm here once again. Yes, I am alive! I wanted to show you some pictures from when I visited New York City together with my Mom! :)

At "Ground 0" in memory for 9/11.

In Washington Sq Park before going home. NYC is awesome <3
Summer is around the corner
I let my blog be asleep for a very long time. Why? Because I was too I guess. It was doing so good with being an active blogger, and suddently I just stoped. Well, honestly, I've been homesick for a while, once again, so maybe it has something to do with that.
Anyway! Today my area director and au pairs took me to see the falls here in Ithaca. It's absolutely incredible how I have not seen the falls during my seven months here. But now I have and it's absolutely amazing! And now when spring's coming up, it was just the perfect day!
Enjoy my many pictures!

We started out with Buttermilk Falls. Looking forward to swim here in the summer!

The weather was with us today, though not all ice is gone, still.

Then it was Taughannock Falls. Even bigger then Niagra Falls, and I will get proof next weekend!

People who've been here. I should have put my name there too, right?

The hiking-road to the fall were on the river. Amazing

Here I am!

A bit breezy outside, but never cold. Awesome

Beautiful, isn't it?


Spring is here!

and so are the ducks!

And so are we. We made it!
Soft kitty, warm kitty...
My weekend has been awesome. As always. Yesterday I went swimming, 50 F*ing lanes! I felt pretty good with myself and later I met up with Quintin and Tiana.
This Sunday I dragged myself to Hot Power Yoga. Have nothing else planned today exept buying the bustickets to New York City (for when my Mom comes visiting) and talk to wonderful Helen on Skype. But after my day right now, I feel pretty much the same as this kitten! Watch and smile!
Yeah, I love cat-movies on youtube. Sue me!
Book Shopping!
In this cold and snowy March (even the first day of spring) Tiana and I felt that we could be in need of some books, so we visit Barnes and Nobel. Me myself love walking in bookstores, and even buy books, wich leads to I might read them. Yeah... Wich I think is so sad but also wierd. I remember when I first learned how to read and you couldn't get a book out of my face. At that time I was only six/seven years old and I fell alseep reading "Bamse" (a Swedish comic-book for children) every night until my collection were all out -and I had them all! I got older and Harry Potter was my next goal. I don't think I finished them though, but I remember being proud that I tried. And now... Well, I read when I have the time, sort of. Which is never! But I'll give it a try and hope I'll be able to bring you some good news of the result!

I am lazy today, so I'll bring you a webb-cam-pic and a borrowed one!

St. Patty's Picture!

Here's a picture of my awesome evening. Suit up people!
You'd like freaky before
I had a weekend off. Both from work and my blog. God, I slept in half through Saturday. Didn't do anything important that day. Had a workout on the eliptical and then a trip to target for later going out and eat sushi with B and H-mom.
Yesterday was St. Patrick's day. I was hoping I would have pictures to show you, but I don't have a single one! It was green, Irish and awesome! It started out with amazing dinner with H-family and later meeting up with the awesome gang! :) Had a really great time people, thank you very much!
It's Friday, Friday!
How many of you heard Rebecca Black's voice in your head, reading the headline? Yeah, I thought so, mehehe.
I worked Wednesday this week, wich means tomorrow, Saturday, I'm off work. That really makes this Friday more special to me, a whole weekend to look forward to. Awesome!
So now I'm off for my break and later we're going to Cortland for Gymclass and after that Yoga for me. It's been a whole week since last time, so I'm really looking forward to it! And when I come back home it's more plans to do. Meeting the Au Pairs for the movie "Oz -the Great and Powerful". Awesome!
So F excited!
My mom's coming to visit and we have now booked rooms. It feels really great and I can't believe it's not even a month away! So we've booked rooms for two nights in New York City, YAY! :) Well, that's all I'm gonna write today, have a good one! :)

Two pictures of the room we might stay in. Pretty sweat after all!

Swedish eurovision songcontest
For you who read my blog and aren't from Europe, let me explain!
The Eurovision Songcontest is a songconest (obviously) in Europe. It airs once a year for whole Europe to watch and each country has a song to represent. The country who wins gets to have the event in thier country (wich is a big deal). Last year Sweden won (WOW) and it is a big deal back home right now.
Swedish Eurovision on the other hand is a songconest for the "real" Eurovision. Wich means that the winner gets to sing thier song in the Eurovision. The Swedish Eoruvision ended this weekend and I have been following it online from a Swedish website. Well... I'm a little bit disappointed in Sweden for how you were voting (the program airs live and you call for the song you want to go to the final).
The Result... a song that kind of grows on you:
My wish of result:
Swedens song that made us win last year, even for the ones who can't hear music:
If you want to check out more clips, I'm sure you can find it on youtube! Have a great day everyone! :)
St. Patrick's parade
Three days later and here comes some pictures of the green, Irish parade! Had a really great time in Syracuse and hope people around me had too. Well, everyone had good stuff to drink, so I think so! Here's some pictures! :) (From both me and Tiana)

Peace and drink

Having a mustach could make you famous

Very crowded...

Green, Irish and my hostdad was right. I did see a clown!

Back at the motel. Party!